Excel Tutor : Creating a Table

Excel Tutor : Creating a Table.

Hai guys, this article is written to completing the previous article about Creating Dropdown List Menu in Microsoft Excel Using Data Validation. If you are really beginner in Excel like me, you might ever wondering how to creating a simple table. And if you've mastered a few techniques on Excel, create a table was very easy. Actually, what we will discuss here does not require any special skills. Simply having a curiosity then we can explore Excel with fun.
In Microsoft Excel, the table has the aim to save the data to be easily managed like formatting and various mathematical functions. Header row function is as sorting tool, but does not have many options to modify it further.

The followings are some of the steps we need to take to make a simple table. Let's start the first step to begin with.
  1.  Open Microsoft Excel and there we will find the range that is still empty. In this first step, to make it easier you should determine how many columns and rows to be created. Let's say that we will make a table with 5 columns and 10 rows.
  2. Click on the cell that will serve as the beginning of the table. Fill in name of the cell and the next cell horizontally until it reaches the fifth cell.
  3. Highlight the ranges that we will make into a table. Here, we will create a table with 5 columns and 10 rows, then mark the the range as shown in the image above.
  4. Click menu Insert > Table. When the Create Table pop-up window appears, it shows the ranges that we will convert into a table. If our table needs to have a haeder, check on "My table has headers" and then click OK.
  5. Your table has already created. To configure the appearance of your table, you can use the "Design" menu on the menu bar. There are several options that you can choose like renaming and resizing the table, Table Style Options and Table Styles to change its appearance.
  6. The image showns above is the default result of our table. You can resizing the column width or row height directly, simply click and drag the mouse pointer over the edge between each columns / rows.
The other alternative to creating a table is using command "Format as Table" in the Styles group under the Home tab. This method can replaces Step 4 above and we can choose table styles directly. After that, a pop-up window Create Table as shown as in Step 4 will appears.

That it is, hopefully this article about Excel Tutor to Creating a Table is useful. Thanks Excelsor.
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