Microsoft Office Excel Short Overview

Excel 2007 splash screen

Microsoft Office Excel Short Overview.

Microsoft Office Excel or sometimes abbreviated as of Microsoft Excel or MS Excel is a software product for an accounting solution in the spreadsheet form launched by the Bill Gates-led largest companies, Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Office Excel comes with programs such as Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Office Groove, Microsoft Office Info Path, Microsoft Office OneNote, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Office Word in a package, Microsoft Office.

According to Wikipedia,
Microsoft Excel was originally built with the former name is Multiplan, who was a rival of Lotus that was present prior to the MS DOS operating system. As it grows, Microsoft Excel became so popular that its existence shifts the Lotus, which at that time is the only one accounting solution before Excel's born, it is inseparable from the Microsoft expertise in marketing its software products to become the largest software companies universally.

Microsoft Excel comes with two operating system platforms, Windows and Macintosh (Mac OS), but with the same interface and the same ease. The advantages of Microsoft Ecxel are equipped with an interface that is easy to understand and support many application platform that is flexible and compatible with the similar programs. Actually is now widely similar programs even under GNU or free, but in fact does not drown the Microsoft Excel because of its practicality uses. Of course this is closely related to the popularity of the Windows operating system that is also easy to use so that users feel the ease and practicality of using Microsof Excel and the large support from of Microsoft such as updates and users security protection.
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